Agribusiness Study Program Holds OBE (Outcome-Based Education) Based Curriculum Workshop

02 August 2022

Padang - One of the approaches used to accommodate 21st century education is Outcome-Based Education (OBE). OBE is an approach that emphasizes the continuity of the learning process in an innovative, interactive and effective way. In its application, OBE influences the entire educational process starting from curriculum design, formulation of learning objectives and outcomes, learning strategies and assessments, as well as the educational environment/ecosystem.

Andalas University Agribusiness Study Program held an OBE (Outcome-Based Education) based curriculum workshop on Tuesday, August 2 2022. With the theme "Formulation of Performance Indicators (PI), PEO (Program Educational Objectives) and CPL/ELO (Educational Learning Outcome) ”, by inviting competent resource persons in their fields, namely Ir. Jonrialdi, Ph.D, IPU, ASEAN Eng, ESLog who is an Ambassador of the Independent Campus (DKM) of the West Sumatra Higher Education Area, and the Central BKSTI Core Curriculum Team.


The workshop began with the presentation of material from the resource person on Compilation of Graduate Profiles, Learning Outcomes and Performance Indicators referring to the OBE-based Curriculum, then the second session was followed by discussion of the resource persons with the lecturers of the Agribusiness Study Program regarding the strategy and its application to the Agribusiness Study Program.


In the final session a draft of the Agribusiness Study Program Graduate Profile was produced referring to the PEO (Program Educational Objectives) and ELO (Educational Learning Outcome) which will then be refined by the Agribusiness Study Program Curriculum Revision Team. This workshop is expected to improve the quality of the Agribusiness Study Program curriculum, produce graduates who are competent in the world of work and prepare for international accreditation or certification.(RM)

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