Andalas University students who have completed their studies are required to have a Surat Keterangan Bebas Perpustakaan (SKBP). SKBP is proof that the student concerned has completed all of his administration at the Unand Library. The following are some of the requirements that must be met in order to obtain a completed SKBP:

1. Return all borrowed collections (if any)
2. Pay fines (if any)
3. Submit a donation book
4. Bring hardcopy of Final Assignment (D3)/Undergraduate Thesis (S1)/Thesis (S2)/Dissertation (S3) when verifying SKBP
5. Upload softcopy of scientific work in the form of Final Project (D3)/Undergraduate Thesis (S1)/Thesis (S2)/Dissertation (S3)

All collections and fines are submitted to the circulation service area on the 1st floor of the Library. Donated books are submitted to the Processing and Collection Development section of the 1st floor of the Library.

Hardcopy of Final Assignment (D3)/Undergraduate Thesis (S1)/Thesis (S2)/Dissertation (S3) Scientific Work is brought when verifying to check its suitability with the uploaded file.

Softcopy of Scientific Work uploaded to e-Thesis web: SKBP blanks can be obtained after uploading the Final Project (D3)/Undergraduate Thesis (S1)/Thesis (S2)/Dissertation (S3).

For Procedures for Uploading Thesis and Instructions for Downloading the free library form, download the following PDF Upload Guide for the Final Project: : DOWNLOAD.

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