Period before 1998


The Agricultural Social Economics Department has two study programs, the Rural Development Study Program and the Agricultural Economics Study Program.

Period 1998-2008


The Rural Development Study Program changed its name to the Agricultural Extension and Communication Study Program (PKP), and the Agricultural Economics Study Program became the Agricultural/Agribusiness Socio-Economic Study Program (Sosek/Agri).

Year 2000


The two Study Programs have received Accreditation from BAN-PT, the PKP Study Program received accreditation C, and the Social Sciences/Agri Study Program received B accreditation.

Year 2007


The two study programs submitted re-accreditation to BAN-PT and both received B accreditation, for a validity period of up to 2012.

Year 2008-2011


Based on the Decree of the Director General of Higher Education No.163/2007, the two study programs must merge into one study program, with the name Agribusiness Study Program.

Year 2012


The Agribusiness Study Program applied for re-accreditation to BAN-PT and received B accreditation, for a validity period of up to 2017.

Year 2017


The Agribusiness Study Program submitted a re-accreditation to BAN-PT and received an A accreditation, for a validity period of up to 2022.

Year 2022

The Agribusiness Study Program applied for re-accreditation to BAN-PT and again received A accreditation, for a validity period of up to 2027.


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