Internal Quality Audit is a systematic, independent and documented process to obtain audit evidence and evaluate it objectively to determine the extent to which audit criteria have been met. Internal Quality Audit can also be interpreted as a systematic, independent and documented testing process to ensure that the implementation of activities in Higher Education is in accordance with procedures and the results are in accordance with standards to achieve the goals of the institution.

Internal Quality Audit is not an assessment but rather synchronizes the conformity between the implementation and planning of an activity/program. Internal Quality Audit uses risk based audit, which is an internal audit method to provide assurance that risks at an institution have been managed in accordance with the risk limits (risk appetite) set by the institution. This aims to ensure that the risk management activities that have been agreed upon by institutional management have been carried out effectively and efficiently.

The following are the results of the 2021 Agribusiness Study Program Internal Quality Audit :



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