A. Vision

      "Become a leading community-oriented Agribusiness Study Program in Indonesia in 2030".

B. Mision

  1. Organizing education in the field of community-oriented agribusiness in a professional manner
  2. Strengthening the base of science and technology for community agribusiness development
  3. Organizing agribusiness information systems, empowering community agribusiness actors, and managing natural resources for the development and strengthening of community agribusiness

C. Goal

  1. Producing agribusiness graduates who have entrepreneurial spirit, master science and technology and have a commitment to building populist agribusiness
  2. Produce a science and technology base that is commensurate for the development of community agribusiness
  3. Producing an Agribusiness Information System, empowering agribusiness actors and managing natural resources to build and strengthen community agribusiness
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