The research results seminar is an internal dissemination of research results within the academic community of the Agribusiness Study Program. Seminar on Research Results is a compulsory subject that weighs 1 credit in the Agribusiness Study Program, Department of Social Economics, Faculty of Agriculture. To register for this Research Results Seminar, students must prepare the requirements :

1.  Each student must have taken a minimum of 110 credits
2.  Submit research results in softcopy PDF format
3.  Submit research results in 5 copies of hardcopy
4.  Have proof of approval (acc) from supervisor 1 and supervisor 2
5.  Have a draft of the article with the Joseta journal template in 5 copies
6.  Have a letter of completion of research from the agency at the location of conducting the research

All of the above requirements are put together in a green paper folder, write your name and NIM on the cover of the folder. The folder then submitted to the Administrative staff of Department of Social Economy. If it is stated that the student has fulfilled the requirements of the Research Results Seminar, the Department of Social Economy will then schedule the Research Results Seminar.

To find out more about the research results seminar registration procedure visit : link

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