Lecturers from the Department of Agricultural Social Economic take part in the National Scientific Article Writing Training

06 August 2022

Padang -Five Lecturers of the Department of Social Economy namely Nuraini Budi Astuti, SP MSi, Dr. Rini Hakimi, SP, MSi, Dr. Yenny Oktavia, MSi,  Yuerlita , SSi, MSi, PhD dan Dr. Widya Fitriana, SP, MSi, selected to take part in the National Scientific Article Writing Training organized by the Directorate of Research, Technology and Community Service, Directorate General of Higher Education, Research and Technology in collaboration with Baiturrahmah University. This is done in an effort to increase the number of publications and improve the ability of university lecturers/researchers to write scientific articles that meet standard standards.

The training was held for 3 days, from 4-6 August 2022 at Hotel Santika Premiere Padang. The training activities present speakers who are competent and experienced in writing scientific articles both on a national and international scale. The resource persons at this training included Prof. Dr. Ir. Dian Fiantis, MSc (Unand), Dr. Eng. Ir. Sunu Wibirama, S.T., M.Eng., IPM (UGM), Prof. Siti Nurmaini, Prof. Amirul Mukminin, S.Pd., M.Sc. Ed., Ph.D (Unja), Prof. Jaka Sriyana, S.E., M.Sc., Ph.D (UII), Prof. Achmad Nizar Hidayanto (UI), Dr. M zudhy Irawan and Prof Ari Widyanti.


The training materials given on the first day included a) Journal and Publication Program Policy at the Directorate of Research, Technology and Community Service, b) Ethics of Writing Scientific Articles, c). Manuscript Self-Evaluation and Measuring the Novelty of Research Results, d) Understanding the Style of Circumstances and Guidelines in the Selected Journal. Materials for the second day, including a) Title, Ownership Line, Abstract and Keywords, b) Introduction, Approaches and Methods, c) Results, Discussion and Conclusions, d) Illustrations (Tables and Graphs), e) Utilization of Information Technology in Writing Scientific Articles and Periodic Selection Strategies, f) Language of Scientific Articles and closed with assistance. The third day's activity was the presentation of the results of the revision of the training participants' manuscripts by the resource persons and the implementation team.(RM).

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