Agribusiness Study Program Holds English Language Class (KBI) Socialization for Class year of 2021

10 August 2022

Padang - In order to realize Andalas University to become a world-class tertiary institution, the Agribusiness Study Program is once again offering English language classes (KBI) for class year of 2021 students. English Language Classes (KBI) have been offered since 2020, where the language of instruction and material provided by supporting lecturers is in English.

In connection with the commencement of the 2022/2023 Odd semester, the Agribusiness Study Program will socialize KBI online on Tuesday, August 9 2022. The event began with an opening by the Head of the Agribusiness Study Program, Dr. Zednita Azriani, SP, MSi, then continued with the delivery of socialization by the secretary of the Agribusiness Study Program Rika Hariance, SP, MSi covering the courses offered, requirements for participating in the KBI class and the advantages of the KBI class, then a brainstorming session by the class of 2020 who had taken the KBI class in the previous semester, in the form of experiences and tips in participating in KBI classes, consisting of Tavania Andrea (2010222010), Hafizul Ihsan (2010221021), Nihlatul Maula (2010223010), Elisa Andini (2010223003), Rozannah (2010222021) and Vanessa Oktarina (2010222024) and ending with a session discussion.


Based on the information provided by the Secretary of the Agribusiness Study Program, there are 10 KBI courses offered in the 2021 class, namely :

Kode Matakuliah Nama Matakuliah  SKS Sifat 
Semester 3 
PAB611 07 Akuntansi Agribisnis 3 W
PAB611 08 Ekonomi Makro 3 W
PAB611 09 Ekonomi Manajerial 3 W
PAB611 10 Konsep dan Etika Agribisnis Kerakyatan 2 W
PAB611 11 Manajemen Operasional Agribisnis 3 W
PAB611 12 Manajemen Usahatani 3 W
PAB611 13 Pembangunan Pertanian Berkelanjutan 2 W
Semester 5 
PAB611 14 Pengembangan Masyarakat 2 W
PAB611 15 Pengembangan Wilayah Agribisnis 2 W
PAB611 16 Perdagangan Agribisnis Internasional 2 W

These courses can be chosen directly by students on the Andalas University academic portal on the page. Students who can choose the KBI class are those who have active English skills and good academic abilities. It is hoped that this socialization can motivate students of the Agribusiness Study Program class of 2021 to join English Language classes (KBI), in order to support the vision of the Internationally accreditation of Agribusiness Study Program in the future.(RM).

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