Graduation Ceremony VI 2022 Andalas University Agribusiness Study Program

14 January 2023

PADANG - Saturday (14/01/23) As many as 16 graduates of the Andalas University Agribusiness Study Program underwent the VI Graduation Procession which was held at Prof. Convention Hall. Ir. Journalist Kamil, M.Sc., P.hD.

Head of the Agribusiness Study Program, Department of Social Economy, Faculty of Agriculture, Andalas University, Dr. Zednita Azriani, S.P., M.Sc. congratulated all graduates at the VI Graduation of the Faculty of Agriculture, Andalas University.

The Agribusiness Study Program of Faperta Unand graduated 16 Bachelor of Agriculture (SP) in the graduation procession which took place on January 14 2023. The best graduate of the Agribusiness Study Program at Graduation VI was achieve by Sri Khairunnisa, S.P. with the acquisition of a GPA of 3.80 and the title of graduation "With Praise".

Sri Khairunnisa is the daughter of Mr. Khairul Ahmad, graduated as a Bachelor of Agriculture with a study period of 4 years and 3 months under the guidance of Hasnah, SP. DipAgEc. M.Ec. Ph.D as Advisor lecturer 1 and Ir. Syahyana Raesi, MSc as Advisor lecturer 2, with the undergraduate thesis title "Analysis of Vegetable Supply Chain Performance at Transmart Padang".

The Graduation Procession was held at Prof. Convention Hall. Ir. Journalist Kamil, M.Sc., P.hD. Faculty of Agriculture and led directly by the Dean of Faperta Unand Dr. Ir. Indra Dwipa, MS. During the VI Graduation procession, the Dean of the Faculty of Agriculture Unand said that "All of you are one of the pillars in realizing national food sovereignty. All of you, who just graduated from the Faculty of Agriculture, is still fresh, still has extraordinary enthusiasm. For this reason, we hope that after this graduation, if you wants to return to your hometown or still wants to spend time in your hometown while waiting for job vacancies, then build your village, build your nagari by strengthening food in your village. You can contribute by inviting the community in your village/nagari to develop the potential of food crops or crops other farms in your village. All of you graduated from the Faculty of Agriculture, you have sufficient knowledge and skills to build a farm in your village".

Congratulations and success in the future for graduates of the Agribusiness Study Program, Department of Social Economics, Faculty of Agriculture, Andalas University, we hope that the knowledge that has been obtained so far can be properly applied in life in society and the world of work.(RM).

Click the Link to download a pdf of list of graduates of the Agribusiness Study Program at Graduation VI : Download.

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