The Comprehensive Examination or undergraduate exam is the final stage that must be carried out by students of the Agribusiness Study Program, Department of Social Economics, Faculty of Agriculture, before officially obtaining a Bachelor of Agriculture (SP.) degree. The comprehensive exam is part of the Thesis course which weighs 4 credits and is mandatory in the Agribusiness Study Program, Department of Social Economics, Faculty of Agriculture. To register for this Comprehensive exam or undergraduate exam, the requirements that must be prepared by students are:

1.  Have an undergraduate exam permit from the Department of Social Economy (2 sheets)
2.  Photocopy of Documentation Card which recap of semester I to Final Semester scores (4 sheets)
3.  Fill in the bio/identity form
4.  Fill in monitoring blanks (7 sheets)
5.  Have proof of having attended seminars as seminar participants 25 times
6.  Have proof of having attended seminars as the main discussant 5 times
7.  Photocopy of proof of payment for the last 4 semesters UKT (3 sheets)
8.  Photocopy of TOEFL certificate with a minimum score of 375 (2 sheets)
9.   Have proof of free Social Service Center (SSC) ) (2 Sheets)
10.  Have proof of SAPS Certificate (2 Sheets)
11.  Have a research assignment letter
12.  Have a letter of completion of research
13.  Have a Faculty library free letter
14.  Black and white photo size 3 x 4 (6 sheets) and 4 x 6 (6 sheets)
15.  Photocopy of high school diploma or equivalent (3 sheets)
16.  Fill in the alumni biodata form
17.  Have a letter of Research Proposal Seminar official report
18.  Have a letter of Research Results Seminar official report
19.  Has made the 2nd submission with the Joseta Journal Template

All of the above requirements are put together in a green paper folder, write your name and NIM on the cover of the folder. The folder then submitted to the Administrative staff of Department of Social Economy. If it is stated that the student has fulfilled the comprehensive exam requirements, then the Comprehensive Examination will be scheduled by the Department of Social Economy.

To find out more about the Comprehensive Exam registration procedure, visit : link

Click this link to download a Sample Comprehensive Exam Requirement Document : DOWNLOAD

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