18 February 2023


The Agricultural Economics Study Program opens registration for new students for the 2023/2024 school year for the Fast Track program.

The Fast Track Program for the Master of Agricultural Economics at Andalas University is a program aimed at undergraduate students of the Agribusiness Study Program, Department of Social Economics, Faculty of Agriculture, class of 2020.

Through this Fast Track program, students who meet the requirements can immediately continue their studies to the Postgraduate (S2). With this program, students will complete a study period of 5 years, consisting of 4 years for Undergraduate (S1) and 1 year for Postgraduate (S2). With this program, students will be able to save 50% on Postgraduate education costs.

The following are the requirements that students must have to be able to take part in the Fast Track Program:

1. Is an Active Student in the Agribusiness Study Program (S1)
2. Have a minimum Grade Point Average (GPA) of 3.25 and no C grade at the end of Semester 6
3. Have completed 120 credits at the end of Semester 6
4. Have a minimum TOEFL score of 400 points
5. Have an undergraduate research plan that has been approved by the supervisor and can be continued for master's research

Agricultural Economics is a Postgraduate Study Program (S2) at the Department of Social Economics, Faculty of Agriculture, Andalas University, which has "EXCELLENT" Accreditation based on BAN-PT Decree No. 2408/SK/BAN-PT/Akred/M/IV/2021 which is valid from 27 April 2021 to 27 April 2026.

For further information, contact the Secretary of the Agricultural Economics Study Program, Dr. Dian Hafizah, SP, M.Si phone number 081363368635, email: prodis2ilmueconomicpertanian@agr.unand.ac.id, or visit http://iep.faperta.unand.ac.id .

Click on the following link to download the Andalas University Masters of Agricultural Economics Fast Track Program Flyer: DOWNLOAD.



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