Prof. Dr. Ir. Helmi, M.Sc Elected as Head of the Unand Professors Council 2021-2026

27 January 2022


Padang - Prof. Dr. Ir. Helmi, M.Sc was elected Chair of the Andalas University Professors Council for the 2021-2026 period at the election meeting which was held on Thursday (27/1) at the Convention Hall Building, Campus Unand Limau Manis, Padang. The election implementation meeting was chaired by Prof. Firman Hasan, SH, LLM who was accompanied by Prof. dr. Hardisman, Ph. D. From the election results of Prof. Helmi managed to collect 64 votes, ahead of Prof. Erizal Mukhtar, MSc (Professor of the Faculty of Mathematics and Science) who received 32 votes while Prof. James Hellyward, MS (Professor of the Faculty of Animal Husbandry) won 19 votes in a hybrid manner.

Born in Lima Puluh Kota District on August 15, 1959, he is a Permanent Professor in Agricultural Development Science at the Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Social Economy, Agribusiness Study Program. In addition, he also served as Deputy Chancellor IV of Andalas University for the 2011-2015 period during the Chancellor Prof. Werry Darta Taifur.

Chairman of the University Academic Senate (SAU) Andalas University Prof. Syafizal Sy said the Professor Council is SAU's complementary tool in carrying out the function of providing consideration, scientific development, and academic culture. Later the Board of Professors will carry out the function of maintaining and enhancing the dignity of Andalas University's scientific reputation, participating in increasing the contribution of science, thought, and its application by Andalas University in dealing with strategic issues facing the nation and state, as well as improving the quality of civilization based on the noble values contained in Pancasila.

In addition, the Council of Professors also serves to provide advice to SAU regarding the determination of the norms for the requirements for awarding academic degrees and awarding academic awards and providing consideration for the assignment of emertius professors.(RM).

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