Agribusiness Study Program Lecturer Vonny Indah Mutiara Ph.D. appointed as Head of International Services Office

01 August 2022

Padang - Chancellor of Andalas University Prof. Yuliandri, SH, MH, inaugurated four Deputy Deans (Wadek), Secretary of the Institute for Research and Community Service (LPPM), Head and Secretary of the Department. Then there was also the inauguration of the Head of Sub Directorate, Head of Office, and Head of Section namely Pramono. SS., M.Sc., Ph.D was inaugurated as the Head of Administration and Archive Office at the Secretary of the University and Vonny Indah Mutiara, S.P., MEM., Ph.D. appointed as Head of Office Layanan Internasional to the University Secretary. 


The Chancellor asked the newly inaugurated to immediately coordinate with all other leadership elements. This coordination is important to do, so that there is continuity in leadership, as well as various things that are technically and administratively able to share and inform each other.(RM)

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